Monday, May 31, 2010

7. Petra in Jordan

When we walk out of Wadi Moussa, the village built at the entrance to Petra, there are few signs of the marvels lying on the other side of the rocks. Walking down a rocky canyon, or siq as it is called locally, at times only a few metres narrow, in a pleasant shade protecting us from the heat in the hot summer, there are some hints of what is ahead in the face of the cliffs. It is only when we reach the end of the siq that, suddenly, we discern the facade of a building hewn out of the rocks. It looks like a beautiful lady wearing a chador, we can see only part of the beauty.

From this magnificent place, we can turn right, walk past more facades, a theatre, and tombs on the higher rocks. An easy climb takes us up the hill to the high place of sacrifice or Al Madbah, with free views all over the area. It is easy to understand why this place is called Petra, which comes from rock in Greek. Going down to the valley brings us to the city centre, with remains of temples, market, nymphaeum, palaces and a church. Here, it is impossible to hide from the sun as it is in the open plains of Petra.

Soon after the ancient city of Petra, we reach the other side of the wadi. Here, passing the restaurants and followed by donkey drivers, we can climb up to the Lion Tomb, a little hidden from the main path and not often visited, and further up to the Monastery. Possibly even more impressive than the Treasury, this is a great place to wind down a little, enjoy the views, and marvel at the sheer ingenuity of the architects of the Monastery. The walk back can best be made just before sunset, as the colour of the rocks turn into incredible shades of pink (hence the name Pink City).

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